Your Secure Oasis
for Global Transactions

  • User Friendly Platform
  • Quick, Simple & Secure to Sign up
  • Fast and Smooth pay-in / pay-out
pay in/out methods
75 000
5 mln.
transactions per month

Secure and Exclusive Payment Methods


Smoothest pay-in

Various types of payment methods for each user.

Best user support

24/7 online support via messenger, email or chat.

High secure for High risk

PCI DSS compliant and highest secure standards.

Low fees

Fair fees and discounts based on transaction volume.

Multi - acquiring

10+ local banks partner.

Our clients


Secure and stable processing for FTD and Trusted traffic. Lot of unique and alternative methods including p2p, cash delivery, and offline terminals.

Information goods

Seamless payment services for programs, articles, banners and any other information products.

Forex and crypto

Special offers for startups and fintech companies. Deep integration with analytic systems and product dashboards.


Provide your users with a smooth way to deposit and receive payouts without delay

Dating & Adult services

Donates and subscriptions for your adult ecosystem. Boost your revenue with new payment methods.